Tuesday, May 30, 2017

My Wife Turned Me into a Little Girl: 7 Stories of Transgender Age Regression

For many men, few things are as terrifying as the idea of being transformed into a little girl. To be so small, helpless and delicate, forced to rely on grown ups to care for you, your adulthood and masculinity stripped away forever...

In Susan Donym's latest collection of twisted tales we watch as grown men suffer the supreme act of emasculation, shrinking down and becoming cute, precious girl children. Some of these men find themselves trapped in high school again, while others become sweet-faced toddlers or baby girls. One unlucky man finds himself regressed all the way back to the womb, forced to start life over as his wife's daughter. And their changes aren't just physical. As these men regress and feminize, they find themselves craving the embrace of their mommies, loving the taste of the formula in their bottles, even experiencing strange new feelings for that cute guy on the high school volleyball team. You'll be there as these men become girls in body and soul.